Patrick Luyten
- Auteur
Boeken van Patrick Luyten
Anthony Bateman
Peter Fonagy
Chloe Campbell
Patrick Luyten
Martin Debbane
Cambridge Guide to Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT)
A complete and practical guide offering a concise overview of mentalization-based treatment (MBT) and its application in different situations and with different groups of patients to help improve the treatment of mental health disorders.
Peter Fonagy
Patrick Luyten
Nick Midgley
Eileen Tang
Nicole Vliegen
Psychotherapie bij complex trauma
Jozef Corveleyn
Patrick Luyten
Sidney J. Blatt
Hilde Lens-Gielis
Theory and Treatment of Depression
Recent research indicates that depression, once believed to be relatively benign, is highly recurrent and does not respond well to treatment. The goal of this book is to facilitate the development of more encompassing theories and more effective treatments for this disabling disorder by fostering dialogue and enhancing the integration of work across the boundaries of separate fields.