Charles Horngren
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Boeken van Charles Horngren
Alnoor Bhimani
Srikant Datar
Srikant Datar
Charles Horngren
Madhav Rajan
Madhav Rajan
Management and Cost Accounting
Familiarise your students with the real business world and the principal management accounting techniques.Packed with illustrations, examples and real-life applications, Management and Cost Accounting, 8th edition, by Bhimani and co-authors brings together techniques, concepts and practices in a highly readable way.
Alnoor Bhimani
Srikant Datar
Charles Horngren
Madhav Rajan
Management and Cost Accounting + MyLab Accounting (Package)
Get a real sense of how managers use essential cost accounting techniques in the business world with one of the leading texts in the field.
Charles Horngren
Gary Sundem
William Stratton
Dave Burgstahler
Introduction to Management Accounting, Global Edition
Walter Harrison
Themin Suwardy
Wendy Tietz
Charles Horngren
C. William Thomas
Financial Accounting, Global Edition