James Kiras
- Auteur
Boeken van James Kiras
James Kiras
Special Operations Success
Special Operations Success establishes a new benchmark in military theory in this deeply analytic and innovative work.
James Kiras
Martijn Kitzen
Into the Void
The moment in the sun for special operations sometimes appears to have passed, seemingly eclipsed by preparations for potential conflict under the guise of "great power" competition, combined with failure in Afghanistan.
David Jordan
James Kiras
David Lonsdale
Understanding Modern Warfare
Understanding Modern Warfare has established itself as the leading introduction to the issues, ideas, concepts and context necessary to understand the theory and conduct of warfare in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
James Kiras
Special Operations and Strategy
This book will be of great interest to all students and scholars with an interest in special forces and of strategic and military studies in general.