John Macionis is als professor in de sociologie verbonden aan Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, waar hij al bijna dertig jaar sociologie doceert.
Meer over de auteursSociology: A Global Introduction
Paperback Engels 2011 5e druk 9780273727910Samenvatting
'Sociology: A global introduction' represents a uniquely co-ordinated and complete learning resource for sociology students worldwide. International in outlook and culturally wide-ranging, it also reminds us that sociology is valuable. Unrivalled in breadth, it is a text of passion and sophistication helping you become an active, connected and critical learner.
- Global, cultural and ‘digital’ turns highlighted throughout. Images, film, DVD and novels are linked online, which constantly illustrate, illuminate and underpin the theory
- Informative maps, graphical representations of data, and thought-provoking photographs make the text visually appealing
- My Task List sections for each chapter provide guidance on websites to investigate, DVDs to watch, reading to do, questions, and the big debates in sociology ranging from whether religion is in decline or crime is inevitable
- Part 6 Resources for Critical Thinking is an extensive and unique resource bringing together key words, video lists, a major webliography, reading lists, YouTube links and key organisations all directly linked from the website
- Extensive Website Resources–for lecturers and students include:
*Podcasts from the authors and students around the world
*'Big Vote' online with other students on key sociological debates
*Interactive questions
*Key sociological concepts explored
*Web and Videography links
*Revision flashcards
1. The Sociological Imagination
2. Thinking Sociologically, Thinking Globally
3. Studying the Social: An Introduction to Sociological Method
Part Two: The Foundations of Society: From Macro to Micro
4. Societies
5. Culture
6. Groups, Organisations and the Rise of the Network Society
7. Micro-sociology: The Social Construction of Everyday Life
Part Three: The Unequal World: Difference, Division and Social Stratification
8. Inequality, Social Divisions and Social Stratification
9. Global Poverty/Global Inequality
10. Class, Poverty and Welfare: The Case of the UK
11. Racism, Ethnicities and Migration
12. The Gender Order and Sexualities
13. Age Stratification, Children and Later Life
14. Disabilities, Care and the Humanitarian Society
Part Four: Social Structures, Social Practices and Social Institutions
15. Economies, Work and Consumption
16. Power, Governance and Social Movements
17. Control, Crime and Deviance
18. Families, Personal Life and Living Together
19. Religion and belief
20. Education
21. Health, Medicine and Well-being
22. Communication and the New Media
23. Science, Cyberspace and the Risk Society
Part Five: Social Change and the Twenty-First Century
24. Populations, Cities and the Space of Things to Come
25. Social Change and the Environment
26. Living in the Twenty-First Century
Part Six: Resources for Critical Thinking: Creating Sociological Imaginations
1. Films
2. Novels
3. Art and sociology
4. Time and space
5. Websites
6. YouTube
7. Key social thinkers
8. World statistics
9. Big debates of our time
10. Abbreviations and acronyms
11. Glossary
12. References
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan