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Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Paperback Engels 2022 8e druk 9781473779112
Verwachte levertijd ongeveer 11 werkdagen


Now in its eighth edition, this trusted Procurement and Supply Chain Management text provides a complete introduction to the important principles underlying the subject area using a flexible managerial perspective.

Fully updated and restructured to reflect contemporary thinking and practice, this highly respected textbook covers the latest developments in procurement and supply chain management with clear and well-structured content. Strong case studies that are relevant and engaging complement the content and bring the subject to life.

What's New
- New ‘Theory snapshots’ discuss mainstream theories in a concise manner to reflect contemporary academic thinking and research.
- Updated content on the global imperative for sustainability including a case study on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
- Explores the challenges that COVID-19 has brought to the field, including its impact on business integrity and ethics.
- Major revision and update with a new 4-part structure to reflect the latest thinking and practice in procurement, and supply chain management.

- Addresses all of the most recent changes in European public procurement directives to ensure students are familiar with the latest developments.
- Provides extended discussion on partnering and collaborative supply chain relationships to further develop students’ understanding.
- A fully updated website with testbank, PowerPoint slides, additional case studies and examination questions to support students’ learning.
- A trusted resource which includes the latest developments in the field to bring students fully up-to-date.
- Fully updated to include new case studies and box features which bring current practice to life.


Trefwoorden:supply chain, inkoop
Aantal pagina's:420
Hoofdrubriek:Inkoop en logistiek


Wees de eerste die een lezersrecensie schrijft!

Over Arjan van Weele

Prof.Dr. Arjan van Weele bekleedt in deeltijd de NEVI leerstoel Inkoopmanagement aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Hij is een ervaren docent en onderzoeker en als bestuursadviseur actief bij vele grote internationale ondernemingen op het gebied van inkoop-, leveranciers- en contractmanagement. Hij publiceerde over zijn onderzoeksresultaten in vele artikelen in vooraanstaande wetenschappelijke tijdschriften (waaronder het Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management en het Journal of Supply Chain Management) en vakbladen. Zijn leerboeken, waaronder ‘Inkoop in Strategisch Perspectief’, ontwikkelden zich tot een standaard in het vakgebied en verschenen in diverse talen. Hij won diverse keren de Industria Onderwijsprijs voor het beste onderwijsprogramma. Daarnaast ontving hij in 2003 de Hans Ovelgönne award van de International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (IFPSM) voor zijn uitmuntende wetenschappelijke bijdrage aan de inkoopprofessie. Arjan van Weele is een veel gevraagd spreker en dagvoorzitter.

Andere boeken door Arjan van Weele

Over Frank Rozemeijer

Frank Rozemeijer holds the NEVI Chair in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management at Maastricht University and is responsible for setting up PhD research projects, coordinating the master course ‘Strategic Sourcing’ and supervising master thesis projects. He is also program director of the NEVI Procurement Leadership Program that is hosted at Maastricht University. He studied Business Economics at the University of Amsterdam and gained his PhD in 2000 at Eindhoven University of Technology. After which, he started work at RSM Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Frank is an active consultant, trainer and executive coach for international companies across many industries. He is an associated partner at SOLVINT, a medium-sized procurement and supply chain management consulting firm. Over the past 20 years, he has built a strong international reputation as a speaker and facilitator for conferences and in-company seminars as well as an inspirator for procurement and supply chain leadership.

Andere boeken door Frank Rozemeijer


Section I. Introduction and context
1. Introducing Procurement and Supply Chain Management
2. The Procurement Process (6 steps)
3. Procurement as a business function

Section II. Processes and strategies
4. Outsourcing (Make or Buy, Risk management)
5. Category Sourcing
6. Sourcing Business Services
7. Contracting and Contract management
8. Public Procurement

Section III. Interfaces
9. Supply Chain Management
10. Supplier Relationship Management
11. Innovation Sourcing
12. Procurement with purpose: driving sustainability in supply chain relationships

Section IV. Enablers
13. Organizing the procurement function
14. Procurement systems
15. Performance Management and Control

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        Procurement and Supply Chain Management