1 And over here, ladies and gentlemen: the strategic management beast
Why ten?
A field review
Five Ps for strategy
Strategies for better and for worse
Strategic management as an academic discipline
2 The design school: strategy formation as a process of conception
Origins of the design school
The basic design school model
Premises of the design school
Critique of the design school
The design school: contexts and contributions
3 The planning school: strategy formation as a formal process
The basic strategic planning model
Sorting out the hierarchies
Premises of the planning school
Some more recent developments
Planning's unplanned troubles
The fallacies of strategic planning
The context and contribution of the planning school
4 The positioning school: strategy formation as an analytical process
Enter Porter
Premises of the positioning school
The first wave: origins in the military maxims
The second wave: the search for consulting imperatives
The third wave: the development of empirical propositions
Critique of the positioning school
Contribution and context of the positioning school
5 The entrepreneurial school: strategy formation as a visionary process
Origins in economics
The literature of the entrepreneurial school
Visionary leadership
Premises of the entrepreneurial school
Contribution, critique, and context of the entrepreneurial school
6 The cognitive school: strategy formation as a mental process
Cognition as confusion
Cognition as information processing
Cognition as mapping
Cognition as concept attainment
Cognition as construction
Premises of the cognitive school
Critique, contribution, and the context of the cognitive school
7 The learning school: strategy formation as an emergent process
Formation versus formulation
Emergence of a learning model
New directions for the learning school
From organizational learning to the learning organization
Critique of the learning school
Contribution and context of the learning school
8 The power school: strategy formation as a process of negotiation
Micro power
Upper echelons theory: strategic management at the top
Macro power
9 The cultural school: strategy formation as a collective process
The nature of culture
Premises of the cultural school
Culture and strategy
The Swedish wing of the cultural school
Resources as the basis of competitive advantage
Critique, contribution and context of the cultural school
10 The environmental school: strategy formation as a reactive process
Premises of the environmental school
The contingency view
The population ecology view
Institutional pressures to conform
Critique, contribution, and context of the environmental school
11 The configuration school: strategy formation as a process of transformation
Configuration and transformation
Splitters and lumpers
Premises of the configuration school
Researching configuration
Transforming organizations
Critique, context, and contribution of the configuration school
12 'Hang on, ladies and gentlemen, you have yet to meet the whole beast'
Of tails and tusks, plans and patterns
Taming the wilds of strategic management
Toward seeing the whole beast
The hunt for strategic management