Jaap Boonstra is hoogleraar ‘Organisatiedynamiek’ aan Esade Business School in Barcelona, hoogleraar ‘Organisatieverandering’ aan de Rotterdam School of Management, en kerndocent bij de Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur. Als onafhankelijk adviseur ondersteunt hij organisaties in hun ontwikkeling. Hij schreef meerdere boeken over organisatieverandering, organisatiecultuur en leiderschap.
Meer over Jaap BoonstraCultural Change and Leadership in Organizations
A Practical Guide to Successful Organizational Change
Paperback Engels 2013 1e druk 9781118469293Samenvatting
Zonder succesvolle cultuurverandering geen strategische vernieuwing. Dit boek gaat over leidende bedrijven in Nederland, bedrijven die leiders zijn in verandering. Ze nemen het voortouw en doen het beter dan hun concurrenten. Het gaat ook over mensen die de leiding nemen. Dat zijn niet alleen topmanagers, maar ook leidinggevenden, professionals en medewerkers. Mensen die het anders willen, hun nek uitsteken en initiatief nemen. Ze benoemen problemen, formuleren ambities, zoeken mensen die mee willen doen en gaan aan de slag. Juist het samenspel tussen deze spelers is één van de succesfactoren voor cultuurverandering. De initiatiefnemers in cultuurverandering praten niet over cultuurverandering en zijn misschien juist daarom succesvol.
Cultuurverandering raakt de reden van bestaan van organisaties, de maatschappelijke betekenis en de klantwaarde. 'Cultural Change and Leadership in Organizations' biedt leiders en managers in bedrijven, adviseurs en studenten voorbeelden, inzichten en inspiraties om succesvol te werken aan cultuurveranderingen. Gebaseerd op zestien studies in Nederlandse organisaties die werken aan hun organisatiecultuur biedt dit boek:
- Illustratieve voorbeelden hoe leiders succes boeken
- Praktische inzichten in veranderstrategieën om een passende aanpak te kiezen
- Talloze interventies die concrete handvatten bieden voor cultuurverandering
- Kritische succesvoorwaarden en randvoorwaarden voor succesvol handelen
Dit boek bevat verhalen hoe Albert Heijn, KPN, Philips en Rabobank zich kwalificeren voor de toekomst, hoe Arcadis en KLM internationale samenwerking realiseren, hoe zorginstellingen s' Heeren Loo en Jeugdformaat hun zorgverlening verbeteren, hoe de Nederlandse Spoorwegen, Tempo Team, Content en de IND de klant centraal stellen in hun dienstverlening, hoe politie Amsterdam-Amstelland werk maakt van diversiteit, het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken innovaties stimuleert in het openbaar bestuur en hoe de gemeente Amsterdam jong talent weet te behouden.
Part 1: Cultural Change in Organizations
Essence of this part
Structure of this part
1. Perspectives on Organizational Cultures
-Developments in Thinking about Organizational Cultures
-Culture as the Identity of the Organization
-Culture as a Source of Conflict and Renewal
-Culture as a Learning Process
-Culture and Customer Value Creation
-Culture and Business Idea
-Notes and References
2. Reasons for Strategic and Cultural Change
-Surviving Crisis Situations
-Strengthening Legitimate Position
-International Expansion
-Qualifying for the Future
-Reinventing Business Propositions
-Appreciating and Valuing Variety
-Breakthrough Innovation
-Maximizing Customer Value
-Reasons for Cultural Change: An Overview
-Notes and References
3. Conclusions of Cultural Change in Organizations
-Do not Dare to Call it Cultural Change
-Knowing your Meaning and Business Idea
-Playing with Urgency and Ambition
-Innovation and Expansion as Impulses for Strategic Renewal
-Deep Change
-Reinventing Business Propositions
-Balancing Between Identity and Innovation
-Change Starts with Standstill
-Discussing the Undiscussable and Playing with Differences
-Trajectories for Cultural Change in Organizations
Part 2: Strategies for Cultural Change
-Essence of this part
-Structure of this part
4. Generating energy for change
-Using crisis as a driver of change
-Creating a sense of urgency
-Articulating problems
-Expressing humiliation and shame
-Note and Reference
5. Envisioning
-Building Common Ground
-Clarifying Ambitions
-Articulating Mission Statements
-Expressing Levels of Change
-Note and Reference
6. Creating Commitment
-Being There
-Bridging Gaps and Distances
-Building Leading Coalitions
-Organizing Involvement
7. Focusing on Clients
-Realizing Customer Value
-Redesigning Business Processes
-Achieving Horizontal Synergy
-Note and Reference
8. Combining Upwards and Downwards Initiatives
-Generating Creativity for Renewal
-Using Power to Force Change
-Changing Players and Roles
9. Playing with Time, Space and Rhythm
-Playing with Time and Rhythm
-Reflecting and Learning
-Creating Peace and Quiet
-Offering Guidance and Space
-Notes and References
10. Conclusions on Strategies for Cultural Change
-Basic Principles for Cultural Change
-No Single Best Way of Changing an Organizational Culture
-Not Every Change Approach is Effective
-Step-by-step Change Useful for Cultural Change
-Building a Vital Coalition
-Change Based on Own Qualities Without Consultants
-Notes and References
Part 3: Organizational Culture and Leadership
-Essence of this Part
-Structure of this Part
11. Authentic Leadership
-Creating Awareness of the Environment
-Inquiring and Understanding Streams of Events
-Crafting Self-Awareness and Social Awareness
-Walking your Talking
-Notes and References
12. Transformational Leadership
-Visioning the Future
-Articulating Core Values
-Building Vital Coalitions
-Involving the Outside World
-Organizing Teamwork
-Appreciating Contrasting Perspectives
-Notes and References
13. Meaningful Leadership
-Initiating and Sense-Making
-Setting Limits and Guiding Change
-Giving Direction and Space
-Telling Meaningful Stories
-Notes and References
14. Appreciative Leadership
-Appreciating the Best There is and Might Be
-Valuing Differences
-Building Trust
-Introducing Fair Process
-Notes and References
15. Learning Leadership
-Experimenting and Learning
-Visualizing Results and Sharing Successes
-Learning from Mistakes
-Sharing Experiences
-Notes and References
16. Conclusions of Organizational culture and leadership
-Leaders and Initiators
-Direction and Space
-Effective Leadership Styles for Cultural Change
-Transformational Leadership
-Meaningful Leadership
-Authentic Leadership
-Episodic Cultural Change and Gradual
-Cultural Development
-Notes and References
Part 4: Interventions for Cultural Change
-Essence of this Part
-Structure of this Part
17. Power Interventions
-Articulating Urgency
-Setting Borders
-Changing Social Networks
-Appointing New People
-Rewarding Behaviour
-Notes and References
18. Structural and Instrumental Interventions
-Intervening in Structure and Technology
-Designing New Ways of Working
-Life Cycle Management for Sustainability
-Supporting Young Turks
-Providing Risk Capital
-Changing Reward Systems
-Developing Monitoring Systems
-Presenting Facts and Figures
-Formulating Rules of Conduct
-Using Behaviour Programmes
-Notes and References
19. Meaningful Interventions
-Expressing Core Values
-Visualizing Symbols
-Fancying Artefacts
-Imagining Futures
-Storytelling and Sense-Making
-Introducing New Language
-Communication All Round
-Adopting Cases for Renewal
-Appreciating Professional Knowledge
-Notes and References
20. Conflict Interventions
-Valuing Differences
-Discussing Barriers
-Mirroring Contradictions and Tensions
-Regulating Conflicts
-Mediation by Independent Parties
-Speaking about the Unspeakable
-Using Humour that Stimulates Renewal
-Notes and References
21. Interactive Interventions
-Getting to Know Each Other
-Paying Attention to Action and Emotion
-Developing Teams
-Bridging Cultural Differences
-Engaging Management in Conferences
-Initiating Future Conferences
-Organizing Search Conferences
-Investing in Formal Participation
-Supporting Appreciative Inquiry
-Introducing Appraisal and Assessment
-Using Monitor Systems
-Mobilizing Networks
-Notes and References
22. Learning Interventions
-Creating Learning Environments
-Investing in Leadership Development
-Offering Workshops
-Developing Communities of Practice
-Activating Learning Circles
-Initiating Twinning
-Distributing Learning Experiences
-Sharing Successes
-Notes and References
23. Conclusions on Interventions for Cultural Change
-Interactive interventions for Deep Change
-Meaningful Interventions to Guide Change
-Structural Interventions to Reinvent Business Processes
-Learning Interventions for Continuous Change
-Power and Conflict Interventions to Make Space
-Combining Interventions 2
-Interventions and Change Strategies
-Effective Intervention Mix
-Choosing an Effective Intervention Mix
Part 5: Successful Cultural Change in Organizations
-Essence of this Part 2
-Structure of this Part
24. Trajectories for Cultural Change
-Routes for Cultural Change
-Surviving Crisis Situations
-Strengthening Legitimate Position
-International Expansion
-Qualifying for the Future
-Reinventing Business Propositions
-Appreciating and Valuing Variety
-Breakthrough Innovation
-Maximizing Customer Value
-Inspiration to Change
25. Essentials of Cultural Change and Leadership in Organizations
-Don't Dare Call It Culture
-Principles and Success Factors for Cultural Change
-in Organizations
-Organizational Culture and Leadership
-Organizing Interactions and Sense-Making
-Essentials of Cultural Change and Leadership in Organizations
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan