Stephen P. Robbins is een van de belangrijkste managementauteurs ter wereld en is emeritus hoogleraar aan de San Diego State University.
Meer over de auteursOrganizational Behavior, Updated Global Edition
Paperback Engels 2023 19e druk 9781292450025Samenvatting
Reflecting the most recent research and events within the field of OB, the 19th Edition continues its hallmark focus on clear writing, cutting-edge content, and intuitive pedagogy. There's a reason why Robbins and Judge's OB textbooks have educated millions of students and have been translated into 20 languages: because of a commitment to provide engaging, cutting-edge material that helps students understand and connect with this important field of study.
Hallmark features of this title
Career-focused resources help students develop the skills today's employers are looking for
- An Employability Skills Matrix in each chapter shows the professional relevance of specific pieces of chapter content and text features.
Current, real-world examples help readers understand how to apply OB concepts
-Each chapter opens with a real company example that demonstrates the topics that will be covered.
-Profiles of real company leaders throughout the text illustrate how course concepts have helped their success.
-Photos and captions link the chapter content to contemporary real-life worldwide situations.
New and updated features of this title
Content reflects the most current developments in OB research
- NEW and UPDATED: The new edition features over 800 new examples and references that emphasize diversity, equity, and inclusion; COVID-19 and crisis management; remote work and telecommuting; and much more.
- REVISED: Chapters on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Communication, Culture and Change, and Stress and Health present cutting-edge perspectives on these important topics (Chapters 2, 11, 16, and 18).
- NEW and UPDATED: Point-Counterpoint, An Ethical Choice, and Myth or Science?expand students' learning.
- NEW: Toward a Better World features highlight social responsibility, justice, and ethics issues facing organizations today.
- NEW and UPDATED: OB Polls highlight current statistics that challenge common assumptions.
Assessments test students' knowledge
- NEW: Assignable Personal Inventory Assessments allow students to personally reflect on topics related to key chapter concepts. Available only in Revel.
- NEW and UPDATED: End-of-chapter material, including Experiential Activities, Ethical Dilemmas, Cases, and Questions for Review, has been substantially revised.
Over Timothy Judge
What Is Organizational Behavior?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations
Job Attitudes
Emotions and Moods
Personality and Individual Differences
Perception and Individual Decision Making
Motivation Concepts
Motivation: From Concepts to Applications
Foundations of Group Behavior
Understanding Work Teams
Power and Politics
Conflict and Negotiation
Foundations of Organization Structure
Organizational Culture and Change
Human Resources Systems and Practices
Stress and Health in Organizations
Comprehensive Cases
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan