Marjolein Visser RM werd zich begin jaren negentig bewust van de baanbrekende mogelijkheden van online marketing tijdens de eerste internetcursus in Nederland.
Meer over de auteursDigital Marketing Fundamentals
From Strategy to ROI
Gebonden Engels 2024 3e druk 9789001016043Samenvatting
• First fully-fledged textbook on digital marketing that covers the entire marketing process;
• with contributions from more than 20 online marketing specialists
• English edition of the Dutch standard issue Basisboek Online Marketing.
Digital Marketing Fundamentals is the first fully-fledged textbook on digital marketing that covers the entire marketing process. Both the scientific theory behind digital marketing as well as techniques and media are discussed. Digital Marketing Fundamentals is easy to read and contains many International examples and case studies.
The Dutch version of this book (Basisboek Online Marketing ) has become a standard issue in The Netherlands. Digital Marketing Fundamentals is very suitable for commercial and management courses in higher education. In Digital Marketing Fundamentals, all relevant aspects of digital marketing are addressed: strategic aspects, the use of the internet for market research, product development and realisation, branding, customer acquisition, customer loyalty and order processing. The book also discusses effective websites and apps, digital analytics and planning and organisation. The application of social media and mobile communication is seamlessly integrated into the topics. Digital technologies make it increasingly possible to create exchange, experiential and engagement value. As a result, online marketing professionals are increasingly focusing on customer value and customer relationships, both in the short and the long term.
The customer cycle has therefore been chosen as the starting point for the third edition of the Digital Marketing Fundamentals. This has led to a different theoretical framework and a new chapter structure. Per phase of the buying and usage cycle, the textbook explains how online marketing professionals create customer value through digital interaction. The subject matter has been rearranged, updated, cleaned up and shortened and supplemented with the latest insights, examples, assignments and cases. Target audience Digital Marketing Fundamentals is very suitable for commercial and management courses in higher education. Can be used from year 1 onwards. Digital material The corresponding website provides test questions and definition Flash Cards for students. Teachers have online access to PowerPoint presentations and answers. About the authors Marjolein Visser RM is managing consultant of the consultancy firm MarketWise and founder of TourWise, who provide digital marketing solutions for tourism and recreation.
In addition, she provides in-company training and is involved in various master’s programmes and higher professional education programmes. Visser has written six books and dozens of articles on various topics related to marketing. Berend Sikkenga SMP † was a passionate digital manager with almost twenty years of experience from both an agency perspective and a corporate perspective. As head of e-commerce at LEGO, he was responsible for e-commerce and omnichannel in the Benelux. He also provided training and guest lectures and has been a contributing author in the Marketingfacts yearbook for several years.
Over Berend Sikkenga
Over Danny Oosterveer
1.1 Definition of Digital Marketing 14
1.2 How Digital Marketing plays a role in customer interaction 15
1.3 Development of Digital Marketing 17
1.4 Digital Marketing and customer value 19
1.5 The Digital Marketing communications funnel 20
1.6 Digital Marketing and the customer cycle 22
1.7 The outline of this book 23
Questions and assignments 25
Case: Digital Marketing at Marriott 26
2 Digital transformation, strategy and business models 31
2.1 The implications of digital developments for marketing 32
2.2 Relevant digital-related developments 36
2.3 Digital Marketing and the Marketing Strategy 47
2.4 Digital Marketing and business model innovation 51
Questions and assignments 70
Case: IKEA’s Digital Transformation 70
3 Online customer behaviour 75
3.1 Internet usage and online consumer activities 76
3.2 Online shopping 93
3.3 Use of digital media in the customer cycle 97
Questions and assignments 107
Case: The online behaviour of Treehugger’s youngest target group 108
4 Understanding the customer 113
4.1 Gaining a better understanding of the customer 114
4.2 Understanding the customer through data analysis 116
4.3 Using data science to better understand the customer 122
4.4 Using market research to better understand the customer 130
4.5 Bringing customer insights together into customer personas 139
Questions and assignments 142
Case: E-sey Rider? Harley-Davidson LiveWire 143
5 Strengthening the brand 147
5.1 The brand as the foundation for effective interaction in the customer cycle 148
5.2 Basic decisions for Digital Marketing communications 153
5.3 Role of social media in digital brand communications 163
5.4 Content marketing 173
Questions and assignments 182
Case: Digital brand communications at Patagonia 183
6 Digital Marketing in the inspiration phase 189
6.1 Reaching and engaging customers in the inspiration phase 190
6.2 The role of social media channels in the buy cycle 191
6.3 Programmatic and display advertising 206
Questions and assignments 221
Case: Tiffany inspires once-in-a-lifetime jewellery purchases 222
7 Digital Marketing in the research phase 227
7.1 Presence in the research phase 228
7.2 Search Engine Marketing 229
7.3 Link-building 254
7.4 Affiliate marketing 264
Questions and assignments 278
Case: Raleigh Optimises Findability 279
8 Digital Marketing in the evaluation and selection phases 283
8.1 The Digital Marketing funnel 284
8.2 Email marketing and marketing automation 288
8.3 Marketing automation for increased efficiency 298
8.4 Selecting digital sales channels 306
8.5 Online sales via ecommerce sites and apps 310
8.6 Driving online sales 324
8.7 Online price setting 329
Questions and assignments 341
Case: The smart online sales strategies of ASOS 342
9 Facilitating online purchases 347
9.1 Choice of distribution channels 348
9.2 Payments 353
9.3 Order processing 363
9.4 Online customer service 368
Questions and assignments 377
Case: The growth plans of La Roche-Posay have consequences for distribution and service 378
10 Setting up digital/automated services 383
10.1 The role of the digital marketer in the product realisation process 384
10.2 Improving the digital customer journey through co-creation with the customer 385
10.3 Tools for setting up digital services 392
10.4 Product improvement of digital services 403
Questions and assignments 409
Case: FrieslandCampina Professional optimises the customer journey for pizza chefs 409
11 Digital Marketing throughout the use cycle 413
11.1 Online customer relationship management 414
11.2 Recording and analysing customer data 417
11.3 From customer insights to customisation 423
11.4 Increasing profit per customer 431
11.5 Increasing customer value by encouraging customer loyalty 434
11.6 Increasing customer value through customer engagement 439
Questions and assignments 446
Case: Fashion brand Diane von Furstenberg makes customers feel special 446
12 Designing effective websites and apps 451
12.1 Effectiveness of websites and apps 452
12.2 Understanding the behaviour of visitors 456
12.3 Setting up an effective website 463
12.4 Developing an effective app 476
Questions and assignments 481
Case: An International Marketing Award for the Anne Frank Foundation 483
13 Digital analytics, testing and experimentation 487
13.1 Data-driven marketing: definition and starting points 488
13.2 Setting performance indicators 490
13.3 Translating the customer cycle into performance indicators 492
13.4 Analysing Digital Marketing performance 503
13.5 Communicating insights from data 513
13.6 Experimenting to optimise marketing performance 515
Questions and assignments 518
Case: Digital Analytics in practice at Van der Valk Hotels 519
14 Digital Marketing planning and organisation 523
14.1 Organising Digital Marketing activities 524
14.2 Digital Marketing planning 534
14.3 Project management 546
14.4 Security measures against cybercrime 559
14.5 Legal aspects of Digital Marketing 561
Questions and assignments 575
Case: Online supermarket Ocado delivers for its customers 576
References 580
Illustrations 585
Index 588
About the authors and co-authors 598
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan