Astrid Groenewegen is oprichter van SUE | Behavioural Design, een strategisch innovatiebureau gespecialiseerd in gedragsverandering. Haar officieel erkende Behavioural Design Academy trainde meer dan 2.500 mensen uit 45 landen in de SUE | Behavioural Design Method©.
Meer over Astrid GroenewegenThe Art of Designing Behaviour
Mastering a practical method to influence decisions and shape desired behaviours
Paperback Engels 2022 1e druk 9789024451777Samenvatting
People are complex beings and so is behavioural change, but you’ll be able to do more than you think possible. And once you understand how people arrive at decisions, you will find yourself with gold in your hands.
Marketeers, policy-makers, HR-professionals, managers – and also even you yourself. Almost all of us are coping with the question how we might influence human behaviour. One thing is clear: changing behaviour is pretty difficult. But why is this so? And how might you in fact manage to do it?
The Art of Designing Behaviour takes you along to the missing link: applied behavioural science. How do we arrive at our choices? What triggers us to undertake an action? And what actually prevents us from doing so? This knowledge is at the basis of the SUE | Behavioural Design Method©, which has already been successfully used for a decade in organisations all over the world.
This book is both a masterclass and a toolbox combined. You are trained in an accessible method, and will learn what principles and mechanisms you may use in order to stimulate desirable behaviour. Before you know it, you’ll be bursting with ideas in order to have a pleasant go at tackling your problem and helping people to make better choices.
The Missing Layer: Why even brilliant ideas fail 12
It is all about influence 13
Behavioural science made practical 14
The SUE | Behavioural Design Method 16
This isn’t so much a book, as a masterclass and a toolbox 18
Foundation 21
Introduction 21
Behavioural Design: What is it? 24
Design thinking: A new approach to innovation and problem solving 25
The SUE | Behavioural Design Method: Powering up design thinking 28
The SUE | Behavioural Design Method 29
A radically human-centred approach 30
Why should you care about Behavioural Design? 34
Everything is Behavioural Design 36
The final brick in the foundation: the scientific backbone of this book 37
SUE | Behavioural Design Method 41
Introduction 43
A quick introduction to the SUE | Behavioural Design Method 44
Using the SUE | Behavioural Design Method 46
Which pains can the Behavioural Design Method help you to solve? 47
Step I Insight 51
Introduction 53
The two operating systems of our brain: system 1 and system 2 54
We are only human: Why you should focus on humans and not on econs 61
Heuristics: The shortcuts our brain uses to make decisions 64
Why we are sometimes so wrong without us even knowing it: Cognitive bias 65
Behavioural Design in practice: How to overcome your biases in hiring people? 68
Introduction 71
Introducing the SUE | Influence Framework 73
The foundation of behaviour: The job-to-be-done 74
How to find a job-to-be-done 79
The forces that stand between current and desired behaviour 83
Force 1: Pains (Driving force) 87
Working with Pains: Resolve or Highlight 88
Force 2: Gains (Driving force) 91
Working with Gains: Enhance 92
Force 3: Anxieties (Restricting force) 93
Working with Anxieties: Resolve 95
Force 4: Comforts (Restricting force) 98
Working with Comforts: Replace or Piggyback 100
Some tips using the SUE | Influence Framework 102
Building an Influence Framework: Getting in the exposure hours 104
Introduction 111
Adding psychological value 112
Psychological value: It’s all about progress 114
Finding patterns in the SUE | Influence Framework: Spotting the most valuable insights 117
The power of the ‘How Might We’-question: The secret phrase that top-innovators use 120
The best starting point for coming up with working interventions: The Behavioural Statement 123
Step II Intervention 129
Introduction 131
Designing for behaviour change 132
How to design behaviour: The SUE | SWAC Tool explained 133
CAN: The hidden gem within the SUE | SWAC Tool 138
CAN: Taking a closer look at the capability to change 140
CAN: When to boost capability to change 142
CAN: How to boost the capability to change 143
WANT: Taking a closer look at willingness to change 145
WANT: When to boost willingness to change 147
WANT: How to boost willingness to change 148
SPARK: Taking a closer look at sparking behaviour change 149
SPARK: It’s all about timing 151
AGAIN: Taking a closer look at repetition in order to shape a desired behaviour 156
AGAIN: How to design for sticky behaviour change 158
Another good reason to spark AGAIN and AGAIN: Usage and retention 163
Using the SUE | SWAC Tool in practice: Asking the right questions 166
Using the SUE | SWAC Tool in practice: Coming up with ideas 168
Designing behaviour in practice: CAN and WANT Intervention Questions 171
C1. Can we give less options to choose from? OPTION REDUCTION 173
C2. Can we ask an easier question? QUESTION SUBSTITUTION 179
C3. Can we make it more distinctive? SALIENCE 184
C4. Can we add or take away hurdles? FRICTION 189
C5. Can we use easier words? CLARITY 192
C6. Can we break-down the behaviour into smaller steps? CHUNKING 194
C7. Can we show what people have to do next? SPECIFICITY 196
C8. Can we provide personal guidance? ASSISTING 197
C9. Can we add a deadline? FORCING FUNCTION 199
C10. Can we make someone pause their behaviour? DECISION POINTS 204
W1. Can we show the behaviour of others? SOCIAL PROOF & BANDWAGON EFFECT 206
W2. Can we remind someone of their social image/identity? SOCIAL IDENTITY/SIGNALLING 214
W3. Can we make it personal? PERSONALISATION 218
W4. Can we present information in a different way? FRAMING 227
W5. Can we make people feel they are losing out on something? LOSS AVERSION 234
W6. Can we make someone aware of their future self? HYPERBOLIC DISCOUNTING 243
W7. Can we show progress in percentages or in abstract measurements? FEEDBACK 246
W8. Can we make the end-goal of the behaviour visual? FEEDBACK 248
W9. Can we add meaning to a number or statistics? ANCHORING 250
W10. Can we design a positive state-of-mind? PRIMING 261
Designing behaviour in practice: AGAIN Intervention Questions 267
Designing behaviour in practice: SPARK Intervention Questions 269
A little test: Can you spot the Behavioural Interventions? 270
Introduction 273
The perfect influence strategy: the SUE | 4C Influence Flow 274
The SUE | 4C Influence Flow in action 278
Putting the pieces of the SWAC puzzle together: Turning ideas into interventions 279
Some extra concepting advice for designing habits 281
Some examples of shaping SWAC interventions 283
Three final pieces of advice as to ‘concepting’ 287
Introduction 291
How to pick the interventions to test-proof on real people 291
Step III Impact 295
Introduction 297
The importance of prototyping 298
How to prototype? 299
Step 1 in prototyping: What to learn? 300
Step 2 in prototyping: How to learn? 301
Step 3 in prototyping: How to make? 302
Step 4 in prototyping: How to get valuable feedback 306
Before you start: Privacy matters 308
Introduction 311
Tip 1: Using Behavioural Design to boost your personal influence 311
Tip 2: Using prototyping results to get a go-ahead 313
Tip 3: Making system 1 work for you 315
Tip 4: Use the intervention questions to make an irresistible request 321
Tip 5: Unlocking the power of storytelling 325
The End. 328
Step IV Implement 329
Introduction 331
Manipulation versus influence 331
The Organisational Level 333
The Personal and Team Level 337
The Project Level 339
Becoming a Behavioural Designer 343
Thank You 347
Appendix 349
References 357
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan